Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Schools for the Underprivileged Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Schools for the Underprivileged - Assignment Example Secondly, the school must serve as an example for the existing public schools in the region (Shabnam, 2010). The public school system in the US is struggling to give the most basic levels of knowledge. The educational method in the US is predominantly based on the memorization of content rather than an intellectual development of the students. There is little emphasis on gaining an in-depth understanding of the contents and an acquisition of practical knowledge. A majority of students in underprivileged regions of the US have spent five years or more in a public school. These students are unable to identify basic scientific concepts, even though, these concepts are taught in the school. Test scores of these students are often lower than 35% (equivalent to 7/20), and many students fail to final exams for passing to the next grade (Muda, 2014). The organization has been created with the objective to provide schooling for underprivileged children. The mission includes providing high-quality education in basic subjects such as mathematics, science, and arts with an emphasis on understanding and practice of newly acquired knowledge. The program objectives comprise of: - Involve children, parents, school staff, volunteers and the community in a common project that would impart a sense of civic service, morality and respect for the traditional culture in which they were raised. The need for this program arises from the inequality of the US educational system. There is a considerable amount of research literature available which indicates the high level of inequality in the educational system of the United States. Children who grow up in low socioeconomic areas are more at the risk of experiencing difficulties in school and to drop out later. According to Goos, Damme, Onghena, & Petry (2004), elimination of these inequalities requires a concerted effort.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Internet Filters Essay Example for Free
Internet Filters Essay When browsing the Internet, users may encounter a filter. Filters are programs that remove or block certain items from being displayed. Four widely used Internet filters are anti-spam programs, web filters, phishing filters, and pop-up blockers. An anti-spam program is a filtering program that attempts to remove spam before it reaches an Inbox or forum. Spam is an unsolicited email message or posting sent too many recipients or forums at once. The content of spam ranges from selling a product or service, to promoting a business opportunity, to advertising offensive material. Spam also may contain links or attachments that contain malware. If an email program does not filter spam, many anti-spam programs are available at no cost on the web CITATION Clark \p 35-37 \l 1033 (Clarck 35-37). Web filtering software is a program that restricts access to certain material on the web. Some restrict access to specific websites; others filter websites that use certain words or phrases. Many businesses use web-filtering software to limit employee’s web access CITATION Fin14 \l 1033 (Finch and Redder). Some schools, libraries, and parents use this software to restrict access to minors. A phishing filter is a program that warns or blocks users from potentially fraudulent or suspicious websites. Phishing is a scam in which a perpetrator sends an official looking email message that attempts to obtain someone’s personal and/or financial information. Some phishing messages ask people to reply with their information; others direct them to a phony website or a pop-up window that looks like a legitimate website, which then collects their information CITATION Lan14 \l 1033 (Lane). Some browsers include phishing filters. A pop-up blocker is a filtering program that stops popup ads from displaying on webpages. A pop-up ad is an Internet advertisement that suddenly appears in a new window on top of a webpage. Many browsers include a pop-up blocker. People also can download pop-up blockers from the web at no cost CITATION Fin14 \l 1033 (Finch and Redder).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Physics of Volleyball Essay -- Sports Athletics Essays
The Physics of o Volleyball From six thirty one morning to three O’ clock the next morning was my longest volleyball day ever. Fourteen and a half hours of play with only 3 breaks for food, makes for an exhausting event. So what makes volleyball worth such a sacrifice? It is the endless possibilities and outcomes that can occur by playing this magnificent sport and challenging the basic laws of physics. In the sport of volleyball the same thing never happens twice. Things may seem similar but there are always slight differences. The differences are caused by trying to manipulate those ever so important laws of physics. Volleyball is the constant confirmation of Newton’s first Law. Every object remains at rest or in motion in a strait line at a constant speed unless acted on by an unbalanced force(P.31). The unbalanced forces that the team members try to manipulate are what make volleyball so interesting. The goal in volleyball is to keep a ball in legally in motion for your team, while trying to force the opponent to fail at keeping the ball in motion. There a few basic possible ways of legally contacting the ball: serving, passing, setting, hitting, and blocking. Each is unique and yet similar. The contact between the player and ball forces a â€Å"collision†and different laws of physics explain the actions or reactions of these collisions. This is what makes volleyball so exciting. One type of contact is a serve. To serve a player must be standing behind the end line and hit the ball over the net. The player tosses the ball into the air with one hand, and forces the ball over the net by hitting it with the other hand. A serve is required to start the game and is repeated after each play. So, after the ball... ...ts collide into each other and make the total kinetic energy decrease where the objects move in separate directions. In the game of volleyball the laws of physics are evident in most of these different types of collisions. Trying to manipulate objects to challenge these laws is what brings the spice and flavor into the game. Physics might be a hard subject but it can explain what makes this sport worthwhile. Works Cited Farnsworth, Debbie. Century High School volleyball coach. Personal interview. April 30, 2003. Gozansky, Sue . Volleyball Coach's Survival Guide. Paramus, NJ Parker Publishing Company, 2001. Kirkpatrick,Larry D. & Wheeler,Gerald F. A world view. Physics textbook. Copyright 2001,1998,1995,1992 by Harcourt Inc. Tingey, Allison . The Physics of Volleyball. Online. Goggle.1995. Nov. 2002.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
George Mackay Brown’s short story ‘Andrina’ Essay
George Mackay Brown’s short story ‘Andrina’ has an element of mystery which leaves the reader in wonder and makes ‘Andrina’ an extremely pleasurable read. Andrina is an old sailor’s granddaughter who visits him as a ghost when he dies: however he does not know she is his granddaughter or that she is a ghost and is dreadfully upset when she leaves him. I think the main reason why George Mackay Brown is so successful in making the story an enjoyable read is due to the complex structure of the story, the setting and also its links to a mystical fairytale. The story of ‘Andrina’ has a very interesting structure of a story inside a story. The outer story is in the present tense and concerns the old sailor in his daily routine. The inner story is in the past and tells of the old sailor when he was younger and of a love affair that he had. This structure makes the story intriguing as the reader at first does not know who the characters in the inside story are and thus it has a great sense of mystery surrounding it. Another interesting feature of the structure is the fact that it is cyclical in that it relates to the seasons. The story opens in the winter where the sailor is ill and feeling that he has lost his good friend and helper Andrina. It moves on in the inner story, where the sailor tells of his love affair with Andrina’s grandmother. The summer conveyed happiness and helped give the impression that they were deeply in love. The love affair ended in the autumn when wildlife died out and the sailor discovered a terrible secret about Andrina’s grandmother and then left the island. When spring returned in the outer story the sailor discovered Andrina was a ghost and why she had left. This let him understand and gave him the feeling of hope to move on. This structure is used to portray the inner feelings of the sailor and in my view is very effective. As well as the cyclical structure, the earth’s elements are also referred to throughout the story. This reflects on the sailor’s old days and he often tells the reader of memories and links to the sea. One example of this is at the opening of the story when the sailor is describing Andrina – ‘She lights my lamp, sets the peat fire in a blaze, sees that there is enough water in my bucket that stands on the wall niche.’ Here the peat links to the element of earth and fire and water are also mentioned. This helps the reader relate to where the seaman lived, in George Mackay Brown’s homeland of Orkney. The land here is windswept and the descriptions of the elements help the reader relate to how bare it is. The story could not have worked in any other setting. Another interesting point in this quote is the description of Andrina in that she ‘lights my lamp’. This is symbolic and shows how she gave the old sailor light and hope and also comforted him. She is referred to with this symbolisation throughout the story, which gives her the image of a kind, angelic figure. In the third paragraph she is also described with ‘I expected her with the first cluster of shadows†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ which has alliteration of the soft ‘s’ sound. This gives the reader the impression she is sweet and innocent. George Mackay Brown literary skills are excellent in creating the right atmospheres to portray different situations. When Andrina did not come he used short sharp sentences to convey how shocked and distraught he was – ‘She did not come’ followed in the next paragraph by ‘She did not come again†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The repetition here shows how he was lamenting his loss and wondering why she may not have come. In another section of the story, the sailor had a bad dream where he had flashbacks to previous events in his life. Here the author used short and long sentences to convey to the reader the fear that he was going through. This technique also highlighted sentences such as ‘It was a black night.’ which made the ordeal seem even more dark and terrifying. The story of ‘Andrina’, and especially the story inside ‘Andrina’, has many comparisons to a fairytale, which helps give it an element of mystery. It has the classic main theme of love and the ideal setting of summertime. Not only is the language archaic, but it is also very simple, like in a fairytale, such as ‘†¦but on one particular day in early summer this boy from one croft and this girl from another distant croft looked at each other with different eyes.’ The sentence structure is very simple which makes it easy for every reader to understand. The ‘tremendous perilous secret thing’ that the girl had to tell the boy also strengthens the mystery theme as the reader is, at first, left wondering what it is. The language in this section is very poetic, with lines such as ‘†¦lingering enhancement of twilight†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ This gives the reader the impression the situation was perfect and they were both very happy. In this section the reflection of the sea are also used, an example of this being ‘Far in the north-east the springs of day were beginning to surge up.’ This quotation conjures up two images, one of the two peoples’ love growing stronger and secondly of the sea surging and crashing about. The combination of setting, structure and atmosphere make ‘Andrina’ an excellent read. The story could not have taken place in anywhere apart from Orkney and the windswept emptiness gives the story an eerie atmosphere. George Mackay Brown has the ability to put the story together and make the reader ponder afterwards on what actually happened to Andrina. The question of whether Andrina was real or whether she was just a figment of the sailors’ imagination is left for the reader to interpret in their own way, which means the story has a lasting effect for everyone.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Implementing Talent Development Strategies Essay
The organizations that are running the talent development programs may soon begin to find the high quality people who can be able to lead and to motivate others in order to achieve the highest levels of performance and productivity in the organization. This means that identifying the organizational education culture for the organization, people and top performers of the organization will revolve around some factors that lead to the development of an all round business professional. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). These include strategizing market and product or the services, instilling the manufacturing know how to the people, educating people on the distribution channels, financing strategies among others. Educational issues cover many issues such as cash and expense flow, position of the firm’s cash flow. The people undergoing the talent development will require getting instructions from skilled staff members to make solid decisions and to understand the technical issues that are involved. Education programs will include development of self awareness knowledge, effective problem solving and having good interpersonal communication. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). Training In the organizations if internal training programs are necessary for talent development, they should therefore be updated regularly. The management should also review these programs to see that they are up to date. Again, working in the training program should be a temporary move by employees who are in need of improving their career skills by sharpening their technical as well as presentation skills. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). An organization that is implementing the talent implementation program is likely to receive problems and resistance. This is because young employees are often faced with many problems sometimes that may come immediately after they begin their careers. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). The first problem which involves being offered jobs that they are not trained in. secondly, the firm may face the problem of too much experience which is caused by narrowing down of the career. In addition, the organization may face the problem of using techniques of talent development in order to protect ones career especially towards the person’s retirement. The above problems show that the development of new talents will stop if the firm fails to give appropriate conditions. This may be achieved through employee training. (Davis and Cutt, 1988). An OPD professional might help implement the strategies as well as address or resolve any problems or issues in the implementation of the talent program by making it clear to the organization the organizational requirements to maintain an organization’s competitive edge and to ensure the survival of the organization. The professional may provide means of developing the organizations effectiveness. The professi9onal is required to understand the strategic goals of the organization and to translate this in to the day to day running of the organizational processes. (Davis and Cutt, 1988).
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Open Class Words - Definition and Examples
Open Class Words s In English grammar, open class refers to the category of content words- that is, parts of speech (or word classes) that readily accept new members. Contrast with closed class. The open classes in English are nouns, lexical verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Research supports the view that open-class words and closed-class words play different roles in sentence processing.   Examples and Observations All the words in a language can be broadly divided into two categories, open and closed. The closed category is so called because it does not easily accept new words. Its members are fixed and do not usually change . . .. The open category . . . contains nouns, verbs, adverbs, and descriptive adjectivesexactly those parts of speech that remain open to new additions . . ..Words in the open category are usually further divided into simple and complex words. Simple words contain just one morpheme (house, for example, or walk, slow, or green), whereas complex words contain more than one (houses, walking, slowly, or greenest).(Thomas E. Murray, The Structure of English. Allyn and Bacon, 1995)Open-Class Words in Telegraphic SpeechExamples of open-class words are those belonging to the major part-of-speech classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs), which in any language tend to be quite large and open-ended. that is, an unlimited number of new words can be created and added to these c lasses. . . .One familiar variety of language in which the distinction between open-class words and closed-class words is important is known as telegraphic speech. The term telegraphic derives from the kind of language used in telegrams, where considerations of space (and money) force one to be as terse as possible. HAVING WONDERFUL TIME; HOTEL GREAT; RETURNING FLIGHT 256; SEND MONEY; STOP. Generally speaking, in telegraphic forms of language the open-class words are retained, whereas the closed-class words are omitted wherever possible.(Adrian Akmajian, et al., Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. MIT, 2001) Open Class Words ↆClosed Class Words[O]pen-class words can evolve into grammatical words over time (grammaticalization). It is an essential part of the dictionarys task to describe this evolution. For example the verb ought (ought v.) has evolved from being the past tense of to owe to the condition of a pure auxiliary. Moreover, open-class words can develop senses that constitute fully grammaticalized lexical items, while retaining their original character in their other senses. For example, the verb to let (OED let v.1), the original meaning of which is leave or allow to pass (Branch I), and which retains a number of lexical meanings, developed in Middle English and still has an imperative auxiliary use with the infinitive (let us go). Or an inflected form of an open-class word may develop an independent use as a grammatical word, for example the conjunction providing. Additionally, grammatical words can develop from compounds that start out as straightforward syntactic constructions: for example, as and also from all so.(Edmund Weiner, Grammatical Analysis and Grammatical Change. The Oxford Handbook of Lexicography, ed. by Philip Durkin. Oxford University Press, 2015) Other Relevant References Complex WordsGrammaticalizationMental LexiconMonomorphemic WordsWhat Are Word Classes, and Whatever Happened to the Parts of Speech?
Monday, October 21, 2019
Expert Interview with Alison Green About Hiring and Interviewing
Expert Interview with Alison Green About Hiring and Interviewing After a chief of staff position at a successful organization, Alison Green set out on her own and became a consultant. Her experience with all that HR entails, including hiring, firing, managing and promoting, gave her the expertise to be a successful consultant and expert in her field. Alison, creator of Ask a Manager, took some time to talk with us about hiring, utilizing a cover letter and other interview/hiring tips. What is the most common mistake you see job applicants make?Can I give you two?The first one is squandering the opportunity that a cover letter can give you. Too many job seekers use their cover letter to simply summarize their resume. But with such limited initial contact, you do yourself a huge disservice if you use a whole page of your application to merely repeat the contents of the other pages. A cover letter is your opportunity to make a compelling case for yourself as a candidate, totally aside from what’s in your resume. You’re doing yourself a huge disservice if you don’t use it to add something new to your candidacy – information that doesn’t belong on your resume like personal traits, work habits and why you’re interested in the job.The second mistake that job seekers make all the time is forgetting to evaluate potential employers just as much as they’re evaluating you. In the anxiety of an interview, it can be easy to focus only on whether you’re impressing your interviewer, but it’s crucial to remember that you should be thinking about whether you even want the job. The interview process isn’t one-way; you should use the time to think about whether you’re the right fit for the work, the manager and the workplace culture. Otherwise, you can end up in a job where you don’t excel or aren’t happy.How assertive should an applicant be after an interview?You should certainly send a thank-you to reiterate your interest in the position and hopefully b uild on the conversation that you had in the interview, but beyond that, the ball is in the employer’s court.It’s a good idea to ask at the end of the interview when you can expect to hear back about next steps. If you do that and that time passes, then you have the perfect excuse to politely follow up. Simply drop them a quick email, explain that you’re still very interested but understand that hiring can take time, and ask if they have an updated timeline. But that’s really the only follow-up you should be doing. After that, it’s really up to them to get back to you. If they don’t, move on with other employers; don’t keep checking in with them – that will usually just be annoying and won’t get you a decision any faster.Once an offer is out there, how much negotiation should take place?It depends on the offer! If you earlier gave the employer the salary range you’re looking for and they offer you something at the high end of your range – or even higher than your range – asking for more would make you look like you were playing games or not operating in good faith. But outside of situations like that, it generally makes sense to negotiate, as long as you handle the discussion in a pleasant, professional and non-adversarial way, and as long as you’re not asking for something wildly outside the market range for the position.Of course, that means that you need to be prepared and do some research beforehand so that you know what the market rate is. Don’t try to wing it, or you can inadvertently ask for too much or too little.What do you think of job hopping?If you have a pattern of job hopping – which in most fields means a pattern of multiple stays of two years or less – that’s a big concern for most employers. Most hiring managers will tell you that the best predictor of how someone will behave in the future is how they’ve behaved in the past – their track record. So if someone has a pattern of leaving jobs relatively quickly, an interviewer will assume there’s a good chance they won’t stay long in a new position either. Since employers are generally hoping that anyone they hire will stay for at least a few years, a resume that shows little history of this is a red flag. Interviewers will assume you won’t stay long with them either, and they’ll wonder why you’re unable or unwilling to stay in one place for a more typical amount of time.(The exception to this is jobs that were designed from the beginning to be short-term, like internships, temp work or contract jobs. In that case, you’d just want to be sure that your resume makes it clear that these positions were designed to be short-term from the start, by noting â€Å"contract job†or something similar next to it.)How do you handle it when you’re interviewing and you just know someone is not right for the job?If I’m sure that it’s not the right match and it’s an easily articulable reason, I’ll try to share it on the spot if I can – for instance, explaining that we’re looking for someone with more of a background in X. However, a lot of the time it’s not as easy to capture in a single sentence or would lead to an awkward conversation (for instance, if the candidate seems like they wouldn’t work well with others or just isn’t sufficiently impressive, I’m of course not going to announce that to someone). In those cases, you still want the candidate to go away with positive feelings and to feel like they got a fair shot – so you continue to be warm and open and to give them a fair shot, although you might wrap up the interview a bit faster than you would with a candidate who seemed very promising.How have companies, positions and job security changed throughout recent years?Competition for jobs is greater, f or two reasons: First, the economy means that there are more people searching for jobs than there are job openings. Second, the ease of applying for jobs online means that employers are flooded with hundreds of applications for every opening they post. For the job seeker, that means that where in the past you might have been up against a few dozen other candidates, today you’re usually competing against several hundred others. That means that employers can be a lot pickier about who they hire. Because employers have so many qualified candidates to choose from, simply meeting the job qualifications isn’t nearly enough these days. That also means that it’s harder for less perfectly qualified candidates to stretch up to a job that in previous years they might have been able to get more easily.What inspired you to create Ask a Manager?At the time, I was the chief of staff for an organization where I kept seeing evidence that job seekers and employees would benefit s o much from getting more of an understanding of how managers think. And while there were a lot of career blogs out there, I didn’t see anyone giving advice from the perspective of a manager – a source that would explain to people, â€Å"Okay, here’s what your manager (or interviewer) is thinking when you say X,†or, â€Å"Here’s what your manager means when she says Y to you.†I felt like that could be really helpful to people – somewhere they could go and figure out how their manager might be thinking.Of course, when I started the blog back in 2007, I didn’t think it would get much interest. I figured I’d write it for a few months and get it out of my system. Seven years later, I’ve answered more than 6,000 reader questions at the site and it’s still going strong – which has been really gratifying.What’s your favorite part about writing Ask a Manager?My mail is full of letters from people who tell me that the site helped them get a better job, or negotiate a higher salary, or leave a toxic boss, or become a better manager, or even just be able to go on interviews without anxiety – and that’s an amazing feeling. I’ll never get tired of those letters.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How To Write A Pitch Email That Will Get Your Guest Post Accepted
How To Write A Pitch Email That Will Get Your Guest Post Accepted Content marketers know guest blogging is important. It helps us build topical authority, reach new audiences, and increase brand exposure. However, even expert writers sometimes struggle to write strong outreach emails. This results in guest post pitches getting rejected. Even worse, writers sometimes fail to recognize their own missteps. This leads to frustration for over-pitched editors and prospective writers alike. Pitching guest posts doesn’t have to be a painful experience. It just takes practice and patience to get it right. Once you know how to pitch effectively, you can dramatically increase your success rates. The key is to take the time and care to do things right. In this post, we’ll help you do just that while covering the following points: Generating strong guest post ideas blog editors will want to publish. Understanding how to properly write and format pitch emails. Knowing which steps to take once your pitch is accepted. By the time youve finished reading, youll know how to write a pitch email an editor will actually want to read. Download Your Guest Blogger Email Pitching Kit We’ve put together three free downloadable resources to make writing successful pitches easier. This kit includes: An Email Pitch Template to ensure every email you send is properly structured. A Guest Blogging Target Spreadsheet to track your pitches and store blog contact information. A Guest Blogging Checklist to ensure you don’t miss a step when pitching posts to editors. Each of these pieces will help you apply the tips in this post. Pretty sweet, right? These three free resources will help you find greater guest blogging success:Start By Selecting Prospective Outlets For Your Guest Posts Determining where you'd like to be published is the first step. Figure this out before you do anything else. Five Ways To Find Relevant Guest Blogging Outlets There are probably some big-name blogs you’d like to see your name on. However, if you’re not already a big-name brand, it may be tough to get their attention. This is where you need to get strategic. 1. Start with industry-leading blogs you already know. It’s likely you’re already reading these blogs and interacting with their writers on social media. It might take time to get the attention of these outlets. However, it's good to keep them in mind, setting your long-term goals high. 2. Search Google and social media. Use industry-related keywords for Google and social media searches (start with Facebook and Twitter). This may help surface more blogs you can target. 3. Consider using BuzzSumo to research other blogs. BuzzSumo is a helpful tool for finding top-performing content. Try a few searches for topics you’d like to write about. Then, see which outlets appear to get shared the most. These may be good targets to pitch. Use @BuzzSumo to research your guest blogging targets:4. Think about your partners and the products you use for professional purposes. Are there any companies you work with? Do you (or your company) use any products or services to do your job? If so, check to see if those brands have active blogs. This can be a great way to leverage existing relationships to find guest blogging outlets. 5. Find overlap between your expertise and publications outside your industry. Spend a little bit of time thinking of blogs and publications outside your niche that might be interested in what you write about. For example, general business publications can be a great fit for nearly any company (if you’re interested in sharing business tips). Recommended Reading: 25 Lessons From Guest Blogging For The Top Blogs In The World Next, Create A Guest Blogging Target Spreadsheet You’ll need a way to store editorial contact information and URLs for each prospective guest blogging target. That’s why we’ve included a Guest Blogging Target Template in this post. It includes the following fields: Blog / Publication Title Name Of Editor Contact Email Address / Contact Page URL Link To Editorial Guidelines Page (if available) Date Contacted Pitch Accepted / Declined Notes Here's what it looks like (it isn't fancy, but it works): Research Each Prospective Outlet Now it’s time to research each prospective target you’d like to pitch. The goal is to understand the following points: What does this blog cover? What types of content do they publish (informative, how-to, feature articles, etc.) How frequently do they publish new blog posts? How does their writing voice sound? Are they serious and professional? Fun and lighthearted? Something else completely? How long are their posts, typically? Pro Tip: Many blogs have editorial guidelines they expect guest posts to follow. If they provide this information, it should help answer the above questions. These are often found in footer links or "Write For Us" sections. Prioritize Guest Blog Targets Based On Authority Now you have a long list of guest blog post targets. How do you prioritize which ones to target first? This can be challenging, especially if you haven’t had any guest posts previously published. One way to start is by looking at each blog’s Domain Authority. This is a metric generated by Moz (a popular SEO software platform). It measures the authority of blogs and websites based on how many backlinks they have (along with other considerations). This video from Barry Feldman helps explain why this is important: Install the Moz toolbar for Chrome. Here's what it looks like: Next, look for this DA score (the blue bar labelled DA). It measures a site's authoritativeness on a 100-point scale. You can also use this tool to gauge your own Domain Authority. If you’ve never published a guest post, it may be best to start with blogs near or below your own level. Keep in mind that blogs with low DA scores may still be good guest blogging targets. They may have low scores simply because they’re new (DA tends to build over time). Take a look at their site, and if they appear legitimate, give them fair consideration. If a blog or site looks like junk, however, don’t hesitate to cross them off your list. Next, list your targets in the order you’ll pitch to them. Start with blogs that offer the best mix of the following factors: Realistic Domain Authority score. This means blogs with a score comparable to your own. Strong topical alignment with what you’d like to write about. Once you have a few posts under your belt, you can start pitching more high authority outlets. Sometimes, slow and steady wins the race. How to Generate Strong Post Ideas We’ve done a lot of work, and we haven’t even started coming up with ideas. There’s a reason for that. You need to know your targets and understand their needs before you can start aligning ideas with their interests. Our 30-minute blog brainstorming process is a great way to get lots of ideas fast (it’s technically not our own original concept, but one we’ve put our own spin on). Read this if you haven't yet. However, when it comes to pitching guest post ideas, there are some additional points to consider: Make sure your guest pitch addresses the interests of your target publication. Self-serving ideas get trashed. Choose topics you can write about like a true authority. It’s okay if they’ll require some research on your part. Most blog posts should require research anyway, even if you're an expert on your topic. Check to see if your targeted publication has already covered your topic. If they have, try to think of a unique angle. Approaching the topic from a different perspective may still help add value. How To Develop An Interesting Angle Once you have an idea, you’ll need an angle. This means finding a specific, unique perspective on your chosen topic. Let’s say you’re pitching a blog post about dog training techniques. This is a topic that has been covered countless times. Another run-of-the-mill post isn't going to cut it. In order to get your pitch accepted, you determine you’ll need an angle to make this topic feel fresh. Here are three simple techniques for refining your angle. 1. Find an aspect of your topic no one has covered yet. Do some research. Read as many existing articles on your topic you can find. Try to find a gap or perspective that hasn’t been covered yet. 2. Connect your topic to something that (at first) seems unrelated. This works best if you draw a connection between two topics that share similar audiences. For example, someone interested in dog training may also be interested in cleaning products (to sweep up dog hair and other messes). In this case, something like 8 Cleaning Products That Make Dog Training Easier may be something to consider. This is an unpolished hypothetical example, of course. However, you get the idea. 3. Tackle something timely. Identify trending topics. Then, find a perspective that’s missing. If every other post is talking about a given topic the same way, then differentiate your pitch. Pitches that are timely, relevant, and unique are likely to appeal to an editor. Not sure if a topic is timely? Try entering related keywords into Google Trends. This shows how popular your topic is based on actual data from Google. Are your guest post pitches getting rejected? You might just need a better angle: Recommended Reading: 150+ Blog Ideas That Will Absolutely Kill Writer's Block How to Construct a Pitch Email This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. We’re now ready to write a pitch email. Get ready to craft your masterpiece. A strong pitch email should include each of these items: Catchy subject line Unique angle Introductory hook High-level body summary Your proposed format (List, Feature, etc.) References to research In addition, your pitch email should clearly convey why your post will be interesting to readers. It should include, in detailed terms, exactly what value an editor’s audience will get from your piece. Are you formatting your guest blogging outreach emails correctly? Find out here:Step 1: Write A Strong Subject Line Editors are busy. Give them a reason to read your email. Start with a good subject line. Don’t just write â€Å"Pitch†or â€Å"Guest Blog Submission†in the subject line field without context. Include a hypothetical headline or something to hook an editor’s interest. Strong Example: Pitch: 8 Ways To Train A New Puppy Weak Example: Guest Post For Your Consideration Step 2: Include An Introductory Hook Your opening paragraph should hook an editor's interest right away. Here are a few different ways to do this: Establish a problem your post will solve. Pose a question your post will answer. Describe a scenario your post will discuss. Here are some theoretical examples: Example 1: Establish A Problem Puppies are lots of fun. However, training one can be a challenge. From wetting the floor to tearing up furniture, your new furry friend may leave you tearing your hair out. Example 2: Pose A Question Rawhide bones are a popular dog treat. However, how were they first invented? The history of rawhide dog bones is one filled with mystery and intrigue. Example 3: Describe A Scenario You’ve just gotten home from work. When you walk in the kitchen, you discover your new puppy has knocked over your garbage can. This is just one of many common complaints amongst new pup parents. These are just a few ideas to get you thinking. How do you get a blog editor to read your pitch? Start with a strong intro hook:Step 3: Incorporate At Least One Detailed Body Paragraph This is where you dig into the meat of your post. Include key details and references to outside research (if applicable). However, keep it clear and simple. Don’t make an editor struggle to understand what your pitch is about. Here is an example (incorporating one of the intro examples above): Puppies are lots of fun. However, training one can be a challenge. From wetting the floor to tearing up furniture, your new furry friend may leave you tearing your hair out. Fortunately, even the worst puppies can be perfect angels with the right training. In fact, top animal trainers at the University of Dog Studies suggest following these five steps (note: underline intended to indicate link to outside research): Positive reinforcement Crate training Loose-leash walking Proper socialization Plenty of nap time This post will explain how to apply each of these tips. This will help exasperated readers train their dogs better and faster with less stress. You’ll notice this paragraph accomplishes a few key goals: It tells the editor specifically what this post will be about. It clearly conveys benefits to the reader. It supports its claims by referencing external research. Step 4: Tie It Together With A Short Conclusion The conclusion offers one more opportunity to reiterate the value of your pitch. Keep it short and sweet. Example: Please let me know if your readers would be interested in learning about these scientifically-proven puppy training tips. That’s all it takes. Step 5: Include An Appropriate Salutation And Email Signature This is simple enough. Typically, "Best Regards" (or its shorter cousin, "Best"), is appropriate. Be sure to include each of the following too: Name Job title Organization Phone number (optional) Portfolio or blog author page link (optional) Social media links (optional) Step 6: Ensure Your Email Is Properly Formatted There is nothing worse than embarrassing yourself with simple formatting mistakes. Follow these tips to make a good impression: Use a single font all the way through your email. Clearly break out paragraphs. Don’t send an editor a wall of text. Use short, clear paragraphs to make your point. Include a personalized greeting. A simple Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. [INSERT EDITOR’S LAST NAME] works. Make sure your email signature is clearly formatted. Here's what your final pitch might look like: How To Deliver Your Outreach Email You’re now ready to send your pitch. Sending an email may seem simple enough. However, there are some best practices to follow to increase your odds for success. Find The Right Contact Information For The Right Editor Browse your target blog's Contact Us page. This will help ensure you have the right email address for your pitch. Some blogs may also have a form to complete. Make sure you figure out which is the case. In some situations, a blog may have multiple editors. Each editor might have their own focus area. Do some research to see which editor covers topics most closely related to your pitch. Some blogs may even have a catch-all submission form. In this case, simply copy and paste your message where appropriate. Know When To Send Your Pitch Email The best time to send a pitch email is typically on a weekday morning. This shows you’re up and working hard early in the morning. It’s also the time editors are most likely checking their email. Avoid pitching late at night or on weekends. This is likely to annoy an editor. Don't send an email late at night, thinking they’ll see it first thing in the morning. Nobody wants their phone to buzz because of a new email when they're trying to sleep. When Should You Follow Up After Pitching? If you don’t get a prompt response, wait at least a week to follow up. Editors get a lot of email, and it may take them time to see yours. One follow-up email is usually enough to get their attention in case they missed your first message. Anything more than that is annoying. They’re likely either too busy to accept your pitch, or they’re simply not interested. Either way, you’re better off moving on (and maybe trying your pitch somewhere else). How to Write Your Post To Match An Editor’s Style Standards Once an editor accepts your pitch, it’s time to write your post. Different blogs have different style standards and expectations. Failing to meet an editor’s expectations can result in posts being rejected or requiring heavy editing. Get it right the first time. Follow these tips: Tip 1: Ask The Editor For Their Style Guide They will probably provide this to you before you need to ask. However, if they don’t, then do ask. Be sure to check their website for contributor guidelines. Tip 2: Remember, You’re Writing For Someone Else What’s acceptable on your blog might not be on another. If in doubt, ask. Tip 3: Avoid Excessively Linking Back To Yourself Most blogs frown on this. It’s self-serving and may even have negative SEO implications. Instead, find other relevant blog posts to link to on your host’s blog. The editor and their readers will appreciate it. Follow these best practices before pitching your next guest blog post:What To Do After Your Post Publishes Your work isn't done once your blog post is published. Go the extra mile with these simple steps: Post-Publish Step 1: Promote The Post On Your Own Social Channels Your host blog will likely promote your post on social media. Don’t make them do all the work though. Share it through your own channels too. Consider including it in your email newsletter as well. Post-Publish Step 2: Respond To Comments On The Host Blog Engage with readers. Respond to every comment you receive. This is a best practice for blogging in general. It’s also a good way to show appreciation for the opportunity to write on someone else’s blog. Post-Publish Step 3: Thank Your Editor A short "thank you" email can go a long way. A short email or social media message will do. Recommended Reading: This Is The Ultimate Blog Writing Process To Create Killer Posts What To Do If Your Email Pitch Gets Rejected Rejection is part of pitching to editors. Not every guest post you pitch will be accepted (unless you’re superhuman). Use rejections as a learning experience so you can do better next time. Tip 1: Accept Constructive Feedback If an editor offers feedback, take it to heart. Listen to what they didn’t like about your pitch, and remember it for next time. It doesn’t necessarily mean your idea sucks. It just means it wasn’t the right fit for that particular blog. Tip 2: Ask Yourself What You Could Have Done Better Take a step back and honestly analyze your pitching process. Was your pitch missing key details? Was your topic misaligned with your prospective audience? Did you just straight up get the editor’s name wrong? There are an endless number of things that can go wrong when pitching. Make note of your mistakes so you won’t make them again. Tip 3: Keep Pitching Guest Posts Pitching guest posts is an art form. It takes practice to get it right. Don't let failure today stop you from succeeding tomorrow. Don't let failure today stop you from succeeding tomorrow. Now Write Better Guest Blog Post Pitch Emails Pitching successful guest posts isn’t easy. However, you now have the knowledge and tools to succeed. Best of luck!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A) The definition of purchasing and supply management and the Essay
A) The definition of purchasing and supply management and the importance to the business world - Essay Example All the activities carried out under purchasing and supply management, call for cost-effectiveness. Individuals assigned the tasks of purchasing and supply management have to apply tactics and strategies when selecting suppliers and negotiating prices. This paper provides a discussion of purchasing and supply management. The discussion includes the importance of purchasing and supply to the business world, steps in creating project supply, service, and material budget, selecting suppliers, strategies for negotiating prices and costs of outsourcing. The paper concludes by evaluating organizations that are benchmark in purchasing and supply management. Purchasing entails acquiring goods and services necessary for the organization’s day to day operation or manufacturing of products. Supply management, also referred to as supply chain management is the process employed by organizations with the objective of having a cost-effective and efficient supply chain. In commerce, through purchasing, industries and public corporations procure raw materials, supplies and services. The important processes included in purchasing are identifying the needs, selecting the supplier, negotiating appropriate price, reviewing the terms and conditions, issuing the order or contract, and finally, follow up on the delivery. Basically, purchasing is centered on the task of ensuring that materials or products, which are of right quantity, quality and price are obtained from the selected supplier at the right time and place. Purchasing is done either for resale by retailers and wholesalers or for transformation that is industrial purchasing (Benton, 2 006). A supply chain in most cases comprises five important stages, which are plan, develop, make, deliver and lastly return. In supply chain management, the first stage, known as a plan is to determine how goods and services will satisfy customers’ requirements and needs. Develop, as the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Relationship and Marital Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Relationship and Marital Therapy - Essay Example It is a good that at present, most people do not perceive counseling or therapy this way, as they recognize the fact that it is not easy to maintain a satisfying marriage where all the needs of both parties are being answered (Perry n.d.). And since the family is still considered as the basic unit of society, most studies show that the conflicts within the parents is a major aspect of children having negative behaviors in general (Perry n.d.). Although â€Å"staying together†is not really the answer especially if marital trouble is present and looming inside the home. Some people may contend that they have married the wrong person so they are not really compatible with each other (Perry n.d.). But before marrying somebody, the differences of each is what normally attracts one to the other as â€Å"opposite poles attract.†It is likewise a wrong misconception that a marriage counselor or professional therapist can actually save a marriage. This not also true, since there is no professional who can or should give the assurance that they could save a marriage which is literally falling apart in the seams (Perry n.d.). Basically, a divorce may be the result of a therapist’s greatest attempt to prolong the marriage. And while others may not be in favor of it, pressures which steams out of family and church tradition to stay married are followed. And therapists are not advised to take side in the matter (Perry n.d.). Prior to actual marital therapy sessions, it would be most prudent for the therapist to utilize assessment tests which have a good reputation that will help decide and will be the basis of the type and length of therapy involved for a particular couple (Perry n.d.). These tests are normally based on research studies which gives an exceptional explanation of the relationship status. At times the test result pattern may be different from what the couples say during interviews. Also things may seem to
Information technology vs industrial cluster formation Essay
Information technology vs industrial cluster formation - Essay Example The very meaning of markets and boundaries defining the markets and business domains have undergone a complete change because of the internet and fostering technological change that it brought in its wake. While corporate business world has taken full advantage of the internet, it has still I the early phases of realizing full support and potential of the internet. IT speculators suggested huge benefits from the internet which meant relocation and complete physical freedom from the customers, competitors and physical boundaries of the market which earlier defined the very limits of any industry. By early twentieth century, the markets were tended to be defined at local level, at city level and at the national levels. There was little mention of the international or global markets. This was because of limited progress achieved in the means of communications and transportations. Most markets were considered as physical definitions or definitions in terms of physical presence of the buy ers and sellers. Each place where buyers and sellers could be physically present were defined as local markets. Where ever the buyers and sellers could gather together from a national scale were the national markets. The limited advancements in the means of transport and communications were a natural barrier on the market definition. Discussion: As the industrialization process grew and the means of transport and communications also grew with them. The beginning of the railways system and the telegraphs and telephone brought about some relaxations in the definition of the markets and the markets definitions also included the areas from far off here there were customers of any product or service where transport means such as railways and communication means such as telephone and telegraphs had access. Therefore the means of transport and communications have served as a key factor defining the geographical boundaries of markets. The definitions of the market boundaries has moved hand in hand with the advancements of the transportation and communications. The second half of the twentieth century has brought a technological revolution especially in the IT sector. The computer is the most fascinating invention of the twentieth century. It has transformed the speed and accuracy levels of the information processing. It has also promised and delivered transparency and merit. In the last fifty or sixty years the world has witnessed the rise of internet which has impacted the communications in an un-precedent manner. The rise of the internet has defined and redefined the basics of communications in every nook and corner of the world. The business markets and each industry and segment is deeply affected by the growth and usefulness of internet. Amongst the key benefits envisaged by the IT experts, the Internet was thought to redefine the markets as well. In several sectors such as services banking and retailing and IT, it was thought that the internet would introduce bra nchless services virtually eliminating the physical presence of the branches in every area of the country. But despite the wide spread use of the internet in every office and production factories and manufacturing area, it is noted that companies still prefer to be located near their competitors and outsourcers. Why? This is the primary question that we need to answer in this essay. In the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Budgetary Control Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Budgetary Control - Assignment Example Accounting practices such as, budgetary control and performance management prevails within organizations and as such they are part of organization’s wider environment (Scott, 2001). The practice of budgetary control has the potential to create several ways of social and organizational functioning and this practice often goes through certain modifications in response to changes in organizational form and society (Hopwood, 1994). As a consequence of this, budgetary control and performance management practices are by no means stationary phenomena within organizations. These practices that change over time are not homogenous and can take a different shape in response to varying contents, places and times. The management accounting practice of budgetary control and its subsequent use in performance management and reporting are considered to be very important in current business environment (Fowler, 2008). The requirement to adopt such accounting techniques was a tenet in the 90s followed by majority of world organizations. The usage of budgetary control as an accounting practice has evolved since then, precisely because of its significant contribution in the field of organizational performance management (Stieglitz and Heine, 2007). In order to be able to critically evaluate the claim regarding use of budgetary control in performance management, the researcher will have to conduct a thorough review of empirical literatures, encompassing each and every aspect of budgetary control with an aim to establish a relationship between budgetary control and performance management. It is widely known that resources of an organization need to be efficiently and effectively managed in order to achieve organizational objectives. This implies that organizations must have the ability to achieve its objectives by adopting cost effective strategies. Thus, management of performance requires coordination and control of the efforts made by an
SBU Objective and Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SBU Objective and Goals - Essay Example Reposition Strongbow Cider in the Australian market and try to capture market share of the particular segment by new product launches. Introduce the brand in the US and selected European market, which have a strong potential for this kind of product sales. Develop the brand in South Eastern markets like China and Malaysia by effective product penetration and repositioning the brand. Introduce Strongbow Cider in emerging markets like India which has a huge youth population. Recommended Strategies Recommendation of strategies is similar to envisioning the desired upshot for and organization or SBU in a perfectly planned and well designed manner2 (Jurgen C Schmidt and Martyn Laycock, 2011). The most important theory that comes in to play in this context is the Ansoff Matrix, which has been associated with designing organizational growth strategies with relation to identification and development of new and existing products and markets. A very crucial part of it involves around the devel opment of new product in an effort to capture an existing market or even a market. At times, product development is needed to capture the minds of the customers and to promote innovativeness in the product. An innovative product which gives the company with some growth in product sales is worth the financial and manpower expenses that are associated with the product development3 (Queensland Government, 2011). Many a times, product innovation is promoted in response to market research that is conducted over a particular geographical area, region or location. At times, innovative ideas related to the product development originate even at the shop floors, which is then taken up for consideration by the top officials4 (Gary Yakimov and Lindsey Woolsey, 2010). Also another important factor is the price, when a new product is launched in a new market. Choosing the right kind of pricing technique in the strategic marketing and business plan is very essential when it comes to placing the pr oduct in a completely new market. In the UK market, the brand Strongbow has a high recall amongst the consumers and is continuously trying to connect with the target audience by promoting the brand strongly by using the social media like Facebook and Twitter5 (James Hall, 2011). So as a part of the recommended strategy for the UK segment, it is advisable to hold and retain the strong brand recall that the brand has in the market through continuous efforts of connecting with the young target audience by organizing various marketing and promotional campaigns. For the Australian market, which happens to be the home ground for the brand, it is recommended that a new variation of the product, which will be a part of the product development process, has to be introduced under the same brand as an effort to appeal to the consumers of the local market. It has also been point of discussion in various reports that Strongbow cider is available for distribution only in markets of UK, China, Mal aysia and Singapore. So it can be said that the product is opting for selective market distribution and as a part of the previously designed strategy, the US and some of the key European markets have been left out. But in order to develop and position the brand in a global manner, and to increase the recall for this brand from consumers all over the globe, it is considered increasingly essential to promote the brand of
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Budgetary Control Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Budgetary Control - Assignment Example Accounting practices such as, budgetary control and performance management prevails within organizations and as such they are part of organization’s wider environment (Scott, 2001). The practice of budgetary control has the potential to create several ways of social and organizational functioning and this practice often goes through certain modifications in response to changes in organizational form and society (Hopwood, 1994). As a consequence of this, budgetary control and performance management practices are by no means stationary phenomena within organizations. These practices that change over time are not homogenous and can take a different shape in response to varying contents, places and times. The management accounting practice of budgetary control and its subsequent use in performance management and reporting are considered to be very important in current business environment (Fowler, 2008). The requirement to adopt such accounting techniques was a tenet in the 90s followed by majority of world organizations. The usage of budgetary control as an accounting practice has evolved since then, precisely because of its significant contribution in the field of organizational performance management (Stieglitz and Heine, 2007). In order to be able to critically evaluate the claim regarding use of budgetary control in performance management, the researcher will have to conduct a thorough review of empirical literatures, encompassing each and every aspect of budgetary control with an aim to establish a relationship between budgetary control and performance management. It is widely known that resources of an organization need to be efficiently and effectively managed in order to achieve organizational objectives. This implies that organizations must have the ability to achieve its objectives by adopting cost effective strategies. Thus, management of performance requires coordination and control of the efforts made by an
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Consumer behaviour, learning and purchase decisions Essay
Consumer behaviour, learning and purchase decisions - Essay Example The basis of learning as it pertains to marketing is drive and motivation. Drive is â€Å"any strong stimulus that impels action†¦relying on a cue in the environment to determine the nature of the consumer’s response to a drive†(Boone & Kurtz, 2007, p.173). Learning and the relevancy of environment are large predictors of motivation once a marketer understands the dynamics of their target market, usually psychographic profiles. There is a concept in psychology related to memory and learning known as the social learning theory. Under this concept, individuals have a tendency to model the behaviours of others when they witness reward for these actions (Neubert, Carlson, Kacmar, Roberts & Chonko, 2009). This type of learning only occurs when the individual being observed is both credible and attractive (Neubert et al). Understanding this concept, marketers will develop a marketing strategy utilizing reputable celebrities or individual actors with similar lifestyle preferences as a means to motivate response or model behaviours under social learning theory. Certain psychographic lifestyle groups will gravitate more to modelling behaviours when the actor or celebrity endorser is credible and attractive, thus making an imprint on memory about the substance of product or the relevancy of the campaign. â€Å"In personal and non-personal communication, the message’s impact on the target audience is affected by how the audience views the communicator†(Kotler, 2009, p.559). ... tyle groups will gravitate more to modelling behaviours when the actor or celebrity endorser is credible and attractive, thus making an imprint on memory about the substance of product or the relevancy of the campaign. â€Å"In personal and non-personal communication, the message’s impact on the target audience is affected by how the audience views the communicator†(Kotler, 2009, p.559). Kotler (2009) again identifies that messages have more persuasive value when stemming from a highly credible source of information. For certain market groups, once these values have been identified, learning about a brand occurs by the credibility and motivational value of the advertising concept or the messages being delivered in an integrated marketing campaign. Under Kolb’s experiential learning theory, adults also learn through reflective observation, a system where an individual learns from experiences and â€Å"articulating why and how they occurred whilst reflecting and critically examining their experience from all perspectives†(Akella, 2010, p.103). In this type of learning, a consumer scans the environment and considers the impact of their own needs in relation to the environment and then develops new strategies in the future based on experience. For marketers, this is important in relation to post-purchase evaluation and the systems in place for handling the by-product of this type of learning. For example, a marketer might develop a world-class customer complaint system or survey system so that consumers have a positive experience once the product has been purchased. It was previously discussed about motivational linkages to learning. Under Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, an individual is motivated by establishment of a sense of social affiliation. â€Å"Individuals
Monday, October 14, 2019
Drinking Age Essay Example for Free
Drinking Age Essay The drinking age was moved from 18 to 21 for a reason. The higher drinking age of 21 has saved many lives, helped reduce the amount of underage drinking, and therefore should not be lowered. Many studies from a large variety of sources have proven higher drinking ages have a positive effect on society. Alcohol is harmful to the development of younger people. Research has shown that an adult is less likely to binge drink (have five or more drinks in a row). According to statistics from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, teens become intoxicated twice as fast as adults. Because the teens get drunk faster they are less likely to know when to stop and to go past their limit, causing harm to themselves and others. The Human brain continues to develop after adolescence and into our 20’s. According to a study on the neurocognitive effects of alcohol on adolescents and college students, drinking is harmful to the brain. Since the brains of all people under 21 are still developing, and most are in college, alcohol can prove very detrimental to the development of their brain and can harm their studies, and thus their futures. Underage drinking also largely contributes to many social problems include those such as: impaired driving, fighting, sexual activity, and smoking (Pediatrics 2006; 119:76-85). People have proposed that a 40 hour educational course should entitle people under 21 to drink. Research shows that educating youth drivers does not prevent youth crashes, however restrictions such as a limitation on the amount of passengers a youth driver can have, and curfews do help restrict the amount of youth crashes. The same philosophy applies to drinking. Educating young people about drinking responsibly, and the damage that drinking can do will not prevent alcohol related incidents, or underage â€Å"binge†drinking, but restrictions like the current laws will help prevent these (National Institutes of Health , â€Å"Fact Sheet: Underage Drinking†). Alcohol has a direct effect on the amount of car crashes and crime levels around the world. Studies show that since the legal age was change from 18 to 21 the number of vehicle related accidents has dropped 16 percent (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Other studies have shown that since the legal drinking age was raised over 25,000 live were saved (European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs). Many European countries have lower drinking ages, and many people say that their system is better. Since alcohol is more readily available in these nations there are more underage drinkers than other countries where alcohol is more limited. Studies have also shown that alcohol cause more problems in Europe than America (DiClemente, Ralph J.:Pediatrics 107). These issues include underage drunkenness, injury, rape, and school problems. â€Å"The concept that a person becomes a full adult at age 21 dates back centuries in English common law; 21 was the age at which a person could, among other things, vote and become a knight. Since a person was an official adult at age 21, it seemed to make sense that they could drink then, too†(Ethan Trex: /article/19437/why-drinking-age-21). Certain European nations and states allow drinking with a parent’s consent or drinking in the privacy of the home. Many people claim that this helps reduce underage binge drinking by introducing youths to alcohol at an earlier age in a controlled environment. Research has shown that this is not true (Fell, James: Debating Reform), because the youths feel they have their parent’s permission to drink they are more likely to believe it is okay for them to drink in situations outside the home, which can lead to intoxicated driving, and other harmful acts. Some argument for lowering the drinking age claim that alcohol is more enticing to youths when they can’t have it, and if the legal age was lowered there would be less underage drinking problems. Studies and history have proven this wrong (Fell, James: Debating Reform). Before the drinking age was raised in the U.S. there was a larger underage drinking problem, and over twice as many fatal alcohol related accidents as today. Sources: European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs. DiClemente, Ralph J. et al â€Å"Parental Monitoring: Association With Adolescents Risk Behaviors†Pediatrics 107: 6 June 2001, 1363-1368 Fell, James. From â€Å"Chapter 2: Federalism: Resolved, the Federal Government should restore each State’s freedom to set its drinking age.†in Ellis, Richard and Nelson, Michael (eds.) Debating Reform. CQPress Publishers, Fall 2009. Fell, J.; â€Å"Minimum Legal Drinking Age Policy Knowledge Asset,†website created by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundations Substance Abuse Policy Research Program; March 2009. Fell, James C. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Oct. 2008 â€Å"An Examination of the Criticisms of the Minimum Legal Drinking Age 21 Laws in the United States from a Traffic-Safety Perspective†National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics and Analysis â€Å"Lives Saved in 2007 by Restraint Use and Minimum Drinking Age Laws†DOT HS 811 049 A Brief Statistical Summary November 2008. National Institutes of Health, â€Å"Fact Sh eet: Underage Drinking†National Institutes of Health, â€Å"Fact Sheet: Alcohol-related Traffic Deaths†National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Statistics on Underage Drinking National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, â€Å"Research Findings on Underage Drinking and the Minimum Legal Drinking Age†National Institutes of Health, Alcohol Policy Information System â€Å"The 1984 National Minimum Drinking Age Act†Shults, Ruth A., Elder, Randy W., Sleet, David A., Nichols, James L., Alao, Mary O. Carande-Kulis, Vilma G., Zaza, Stephanie, Sosin, Daniel M., Thompson, Robert S., and the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. â€Å"Reviews of Evidence Regarding Interventions to Reduce Alcohol-Impaired Driving.†Am J Prev Med 2001;21(4S). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking 20 07. Zeigler DW, Wang CC, Yoast RA, Dickinson BD, Mccaffree MA, Robinowitz CB, et al. The Neurocognitive Effects of Alcohol on Adolescents and College Students. Prev Med 2005 Jan;40(1):23-32.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Daily Problems Of Foreign Language Learners English Language Essay
The Daily Problems Of Foreign Language Learners English Language Essay Language learning is a very complex process and foreign language learners face great number of problems daily, while they try different strategies and educational tools to master the foreign language in the best possible way. One of the areas which seems have made trouble for language learners is the pragmatic competence which has also drawn attention of those who are interested in language teaching to itself. [P]ragmatic competence . . . is understood as the knowledge of the linguistic resources available in a given language for realising particular illocutions, knowledge of the sequential aspects of speech acts, and finally, knowledge of the appropriate contextual use of the particular languages linguistic resources (Anne Barron, 2003 : 10). Pragmatic rules are essential for a successful interaction with other people for language learners and they should learn them the right way, otherwise it will lead to misunderstanding or total failure of conveying and receiving the message and the speaker will unintentionally be considered as rude or insensitive person. The research that here wants to be reviewed wants to find what are differences between kind of refusal strategies of EFL learners in situations that deals with pragmatic competence (Allami Naeimi, 2009). The Researchers found that cultural factors play great role in learners conceptualization and verbalization of the speech acts, even though the learners may have access to wide range of speech acts and realization strategies as native speakers do as well. Research Questions Three questions which were posed in the research are as follow (Allami Naeimi, 2009): 1. What are the most common semantic formulas used by Iranian learners at different pro ¬Ã‚ ciency levels with regard to the contextual variables of the status of interlocutors (higher, equal, or lower) and the eliciting acts (requests, invitations, offers, and suggestions)? 2. What are the areas of difference between Iranian EFL learners and American speakers with regard to the strategies employed to make refusals? 3. If Iranian EFL learners refusals are different from those of the American native speakers, does the L2 pro ¬Ã‚ ciency of the Iranian learners affect their possible pragmatic transfer or not? Theoretical framework Different studies have tried to show that if learners want to give appropriate speech act to a given speech event pragmatic competence has a major role in it. Fraser de ¬Ã‚ ned pragmatic competence as the knowledge of how an addressee determines what a speaker is saying and recognizes intended illocutionary force conveyed through subtle attitudes in the speakers utterance (Allami Naeimi, 2009: 2). Rintell is one of scholar who has worked deeper than the other scholars in field of speech acts and he believes that L2 learners utterances for some specific communications purposes are because of their pragmatic ability (2009: 2). In addition, L2 learners should have enough knowledge of L2 sociocultural limitations so that they would have acceptable pragmatic level. According to Wolfson choosing appropriate pragmatic strategies is crucial for speech act ability (2009: 2). Moreover, social class and culture have effect on choosing those strategies. The main theory which Allami and Naeim i have tried to focused on is that the different cultures and languages make different pragmatic competence in the minds of people and there is a good chance that learners L1 interfere with learners L2 pragmatic competence, even though their command of L2 can be very good. Methodology of Research There are three questions which were posed by researchers and they were mentioned earlier (Allami Naeimi, 2009: 2). Researchers used experimental research method in which independent variables were learners language proficiency (lower-intermediate, intermediate and upper-intermediate) status of interlocutors (lower, equal and higher) and types of eliciting acts (requests, invitations, offer and suggestions) and the dependent measures were the realization of the strategies. The researchers chose 30 participants which their native language is Persian and all of them were undergraduate males, within the age range of 16 and 29. The data used in the research was collected through a written Discourse Completion Test (DCT) which was in the form of a questionnaire presented some natural situations to which the respondents were expected to respond when making refusals. The reason why 30 participants were chose was that it has been claimed that in using the DCT for interlanguage speech act st udies, questionnaires with 30 subjects will serve as an appropriate guide (2009: 5). The participants were divided into three different groups of 10 upper-intermediate, 10 intermediate and 10 lower-intermediate students at a Language Institute in Yazd. In order to have a pertinent cross-linguistic examination of the speech act of refusal responses to the same DCT conducted by another American researcher were also analyzed. There were 37 Americans responses to the same DCT which was conducted by Kwon (2009: 5). The American participants in the research were between 18 and 22 years of age and they were all students from Boston. The DCT consisted of three requests, three invitations and three asks a favor of the other person. In each situation type were supposed to refuse a person of higher status, one to a person of equal status, and one to a person of lower status. There were a second group of participants who were asked to answer DCT which was translated into Persian and the purpose of designing this DCT was to compare semantic formulas used by Persian native speakers with those of the EFL learners. DCT was given to learners and they were asked not to think about the given situations thoroughly and they are just supposed to respond quickly. All of the respondents returned their papers within 20-30 minutes and the researcher were there all the time while the subjects were writing the answers. The Reponses were compared in terms of language forms with the 31 native speakers responses in Persian, and with 37 native speakers responses in English. Researchers in order to be analytically honest analyzed components of each speech act present in the responses; the produced refusals were parsed into strategies (2009: 6). Data Analysis Taxonomy of refusal developed by Beebe was the basis of coding all data in the research. Units used in analysis were semantic formulas. According to Cohen definition of semantic formula is a word, phrase, or sentence that meets a particular semantic criterion or strategy; any one or more of these can be used to perform the act in questions (Allami Naeimi, 2009: 6). Through this study new categories of semantic formulas were identified. Number of strategies in each refusal indicated complexity of speech act of refusal. The average number of semantic formulas used by the American respondents, Iranian Persian speakers and EFL learners were 4.00, 3.10 and 3.30 respectively. Regarding numbers which were gained it was shown that Americans use more semantic formulas, but variety of Iranians strategies were significantly more. Analyzing each of the semantic formulas in detail is a big task so researchers focused on similarities and differences among three groups of American native speakers, Iranian EFL learners and Persian native speakers answering the translated DCT. Another factor which was taken into consideration was the shift of frequencies of semantic formulas regarding the status of interlocutors. For higher status a boss, lower status an employee, a salesman, a student and a cleaning lady and for equal status a classmate and a friend were used. Arguments One of the things that researchers of this article are looking for is whether L1 might influence the L2 or not (Allami Naeimi, 2009: 15). Majority of EFL learners cannot have interaction with native speakers therefore they do not have good knowledge of semantic formulas or the way they should be used in different situations. Linguistic and cultural differences affect the way language is used by the language learners because the way people provide a speech act regarding a speech event is culture bound. Iranian learners are more sensitive about the status level of interlocutor and used different strategies, whereas Americans used a same pattern regardless of the status level. In other words, Iranians are more concerned with the face saving act rather than Americans. Americans are more specific and clear in their responses rather than Iranians. The researchers work result was along with positive correlation hypothesis which was suggested by Takahashi and Beebe, in which language profic iency has effect on pragmatic transfer (2009: 16). Article Results Some of interesting findings in the research were as follow: Iranian English learners were depending on their native culture-specific refusal strategies was the direct refusal Americans subjects were more concrete and specific when it came to refusing a high status person in comparison with Iranian participants in the study. The main goal of doing this research among Iranian EFL learners was because of lack attention to sociocultural and sociolinguistic factors. If EFL learners are not aware these factors it will lead to their misunderstanding of the concept in real-life situations when they are communicating with native speakers. The outcomes of this research supported that there is great difference between using speech acts in different cultures and languages. Teachers of second language should increase students knowledge level of target language pragmatic competence and how they should deal with different speech events in proper way. Conclusion The researchers have tried to go deep and find why EFL learners do not interact in the same way as native speakers do especially when it comes to speech acts which in this research refusal was the case. One of good points about this research is that in the procedure of it researchers tried to be as honest as possible by considering all the aspects in their data analysis. Another good point about this research was previous studies which were done in the same field by different researchers, therefore the researchers made a laid a good background and comparison in their task. However, there are some downsides in this research as well. One of the shortcomings in the research is lack elaboration for status of a person in the cultures of Iran and America. According to Foley à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ understanding of what kind of person they are vis-à -vis the other interlocutor is embodied in their habitus. To the extent they rate of higher rank, the habitus will enact that proper demeanor in bodi ly and linguistic practices à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Foley, 1997: 260). If someone does not know exact definition of person within a culture and society then certainly he or she will not interact properly in that culture or society the person is a social concept made up of local notions of the ones rights and obligations, and hence varies crossculturally (Foley, 1997 : 263). Another problem was choosing only males as participant in this research. Woods believed that gender has a great role in conversations especially at work place the gender was the most significant factor determining speech behavior, more important than status. With respect to patterns of interruption, higher status people were more likely to interrupt successfully than lower status conversational partners, but men of lower status were still usually successful in interrupting a higher status female speaker (Foley, 1997 : 294).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Personality and the Workplace :: Workplace Essays
Personality and the workplace 1 Individual Assignment on Personality and the Workplace PSY 250 – Psychology of Personality Personality and the workplace 2 There are many situations that can be mentioned when we get into the subject about interpersonal situations at my workplace, but on in particular pops out to my attention, respect. Respect is the one thing that the military was built up on. Well, during the next few pages you will read about how it has changed throughout the years in the military or at least in my career field, how it has been dealt with, how it got this way, what can be done to change it and who is responsible for making the changes. Not only will you read about respect, you will also read about how higher promotion rates have motivated many of the newer supervisors into trying to make the career field a better one for everyone. Through the use of creativity, involvement and implementation these new supervisors are trying to make a change in our military discipline that is so greatly needed. Since I have returned to my current career field, after managing three dorms, I noticed that the level of respect has changed from when I was there 2 and a half years prior. We have acquired many new very young troops who don’t want to do what they are told, not only are the younger troops acting this way, but many of the non commissioned officers (NCOs) or should I say lower ranking supervisors are acting this way as well. Things aren’t how they use to be when I first came into the military, back then you were told to do something and you did it no questions asked. It got done simply because someone who out ranked you told you to do it. Now days the troops want an explanation to why they are asked to do something, they don’t do it or they do it wrong or carelessly. Personality and the workplace 3 Due to the diversity of the personalities in our workplace it becomes very difficult to try and pin point a specific personality trait for the cause of our problems. It varies based on each individual; sometimes it is due to the fact that we as supervisors allow our subordinates to get away with murder. In the case of the military we strive on discipline and respect, and when we allow a troop to disrespect any of us or just let them cross over the line once, they forget that they are in the armed forces and tend to lower their standards.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Investigating the Aesthetical and Functional Qualities of Contemporary Chalet Interiors
‘Investigating the aesthetical and functional qualities of the modern-day chalet insides and their rise, from the low mountain hut beginnings’ This essay is intended to thoroughly look into the insides of mountain chalets, chiefly comparing the current epicurean skiing chalets to the early mountain huts. Whether these chalets are used for skiing intents or non, chalets may besides be found beside the seaboard. Thankss to modern agencies of conveyance and assembly techniques, chalets are besides being made in a portable mode. Another of import factor is that the celebrated chalets aren’t entirely the lone wooden huts there were at the clip, nevertheless something similar was go oning at the same time in the U.S. The communal may undervalue the power of chalets presents, therefore they are taken for granted, due to being commercialised as the ultimate topographic point to see, due to epicurean high-end insides which are without a uncertainty eye-catching. What is being emphasised in this essay is, what if there is something even deeper than interior decorator armchairs or such pieces of furniture? Besides tackled in this essay, will be Swiss traditions and a close expression into whether they are still being incorporated in these insides or non. Pushing aside these traditions would impact the manner the chalet insides are known for. Other of import factors of chalets are evidently the wood used, has the stuffs changed therefore being improved or are the same traditional stuffs being used because they were and are still supreme in quality? The term ‘Chalet’ originated from the Alp part in Europe, and still at this really twenty-four hours it is called so. In the early yearss, these crude chalets besides known as huts, used to house non merely one household but besides several households and were really limited in size. The really beginning of these huts was as utile agencies of safety for their animate beings, such as cowss and the farmer’s nutriment of nutrient and drink. These were besides most popular in the warmer months, where the husbandmans used to travel upward on the mountains to crowd their cowss. In these chalets the husbandmans used to populate in the hut with their animate beings and bring forth milk and cheese for the proceeding months. Way back, in the winter months these huts weren’t used much, as opposed to presents. Besides holding these chalets, some husbandmans besides had similar huts called ‘mazots’ , which were smaller and didn’t have any Windowss. T hese ‘mazots’ were used to hive away and lock cherished properties. Harmonizing to William S. B. Dana ( 1913 ) , ‘ [ degree Fahrenheit ] or the wood for building his place, the builder, if he is hapless, petitions aid from his local authorities. [ †¦ ] The lumber holding been selected, the friends and neighbors assist the home- shaper in his work, ’ with this statement Dana is depicting how the Alpine community used to work and how close knit they were. This furthermore reflected in the manner they decorated their houses in a cozy manner and were self sustainable in being able to construct their ain houses. These communities owned their ain woods therefore the stuffs for edifice houses were supplied from at that place. Another of import fact was the stuffs used. The chief stuff is wood ; this is still today associated with modern-day mountain chalets and plays a immense portion in the edifice of and decor of these insides. Kylloe’s ( 2006 ) facts coincide with those of Dana ( 1913 ) as he states that ‘Log cabins were th e preferable place of the innovators for several grounds. One, they were easy to construct. Trees were everyplace†¦ ’ this was mentioning to the U.S. Since Chalets are associated with Switzerland one can non neglect to retrieve that these wooden huts aren’t entirely in Europe but have besides been in being in North America called log places. On this note Ralph Kylloe ( 2006 ) points out that ‘ [ T ] here is another misconception sing log places that should be addressed. The first Europeans that arrived on our shores ( U.S ) did non construct log cabins. Most of the really early constructions erected, were atrocious hovels that rapidly fell apart, collapsible shelters or other transeunt constructions that did small to insulate and protect recent reachings from Europe.’ Later on due to development as researched by Dana ( 1913 ) , ‘Geneva is a celebrated place of chalet industry and design. From itsfabriques, chalets of all mode of forms and sizes are sent Forth into the universe to go summer houses, mountain trail route Stationss, brooding, hotels, etc.’ Dana specifically points out that in America t hey have different methods of building therefore holding with Kylloe ( 2006 ) . In Geneva they build the full chalet spot by spot, when done they knock it down and direct it to where it is to be placed for good, holding said that the proprietors can easy level it and take it anyplace else if need be, where as in the U.S. the whole edifice procedure is done on site. When it comes to the insides of Swiss chalets Dana ( 1913 ) states that ‘ , the entryway being by and large at the side, though on occasion at the rear – about ne'er at the front.’ Which is non the instance in the U.S. since Kylloe ( 2006 ) states that the ‘front door’ , even supported with an image was made of lasting wood slabs and opened towards the inside. One thing in common both in Europe and in the U.S. as stated by Kyloe ( 2006 ) was that ‘ [ T ] he hearth was the bosom of the home.’ Traditional Chalets are all the fury when it comes to Swiss mountain climbers. The chief characteristic found in chalets all over the universe is without a uncertainty ; wood. This of import stuff is what makes a mountain chalet traditional. Recently stated by Vabec ( 2013 ) in his article, wood blends really good with hearths which are made of rock and the furred sheets that drape quietly on the couch. In general wood is a rather a warm stuff, it creates warmth even to the coolest toned houses, so it comes to no surprise that each and every traditional chalet is covered with this well loved stuff. Shown in the ceilings, floors, kitchens, hearths, beds etc, one can rest assured to happen touches of wood or a great trade of it, in mountain chalets. On this same note, non merely the traditional chalets made usage of wood, but it is besides being used in chalets being built and furnished presents. Mc Culloch ( n.d. ) in his article explains, how Gilly ( the interior decorator of Chalet Dargan, Switzerland ) calls these insides ‘ [ m ] odern Alpine’ . This statement translated clearly through his work, where he used many stuffs including untreated wood. The usage of untreated wood was entirely to keep the consistence with the outside of the chalet Dargan, where the celebrated Verbier Ski Reach was situated right exterior. The designer of this esteemed chalet made usage of pine which Mc Culloch ( n.d. ) goes on about how ‘in a modern-day turn, the boards cladding the walls were laid horizontally instead than vertically.’ ‘It is of import to utilize local stuffs wherever possible. Along with all the old-timers we found, this adds to the chalet’s genuineness as you get the history of the part merely from what you find inside it. Reproductions don’t give a topographic point that sense of ambiance or depth.’ Burt ( 2013 ) Adding to this statement she antecedently goes on about how ‘ [ T ] raditional chalets can be rather littered, but we wanted a really simple infinite that still felt reliable. The tabular array and chairs are masters, once more sourced locally, and because they are mis-matched you get a welcoming feel instead than something excessively formal.’ An inside can be refined and enhanced by utilizing local traditional stuffs as Rus, ( 2013 ) agrees with Burt’s old statement and continues by stating that refinement and heightening a chalet by agencies of low local stuffs is the manner to travel. She returns by adverting several stuffs used when ad orning traditional chalets, some of which include ; ‘flat- textured frontier rock, repurposed corral boards, century- old hand- hewn beams and moss rock’ . Rus, ( 2013 ) concludes by citing Markham Roberts ( interior interior decorator ) where he says ‘ [ tungsten ] ith stupefying mountain positions and great skiing to bask, who needs a tricked-out place theater? ’ Stating otherwise is Burt ( 2013 ) where she says that the client wanted something loony, therefore the room took a dramatic turn compared to the traditional and minimal art found in the other suites. Animal caput visible radiations were used to maintain the traditional facet alive, nevertheless instead than couch ; since they would hold been excessively rigorous they opted for whiffs, which can be moved about effortlessly. The remainder of the house was rather impersonal so in this room they pulled all the Michigans and went for a dad of coloring material, go forthing the remainder of the house igniter looking. Patrick Lecoq, a celebrated carpenter fitter, voices his sentiment in an article by Armendine ( 2013 ) where he says that ‘the chalet manner I like, less ‘heavy’ and loaded than the traditional manner, which I sometimes criticized for holding ‘too much’ wood. The living country is big, full of light and clear.’ He moreover goes on about how he prefers to paint wooden walls in white to give it a cleaner expression and besides to do a room expression bigger. Lecoq is non the lone Alpine expert who diverges from traditions, Nicky Dobree besides doesn’t like to over jumble with wood, and her manner is ‘classic contemporary’ . ‘Nicky’s version of skiing luxury is cool and classy instead than technicolour and flash. Her main beginning for the chalet was Christian Liaigre, the Gallic designer’ . ( Redhead, 2005 ) Having said that intimations of tradition are still seen in her work, but she prefers to writhe them in her ain manner. ‘Aside from the chromium steel steel and leather front door grip, Moudon’s log- cabin looks provide no intimation of the gilded modernness within. But beyond the rough- and- ready porch is a five-bedroom ski chalet. And it’s pure James Bond with its woolen throws, fox pelts, cowskin and the boom log fire [ †¦ ] the sweat room, the hot bath, mod cons and Gaggenau.’ ( Redhead, 2005 ) Another interesting fact about Dobree, is as Rich ( 2013, p.79 ) says that ‘Dobree utilizations warm Earth tones and sophisticated natural stuffs, such as pelts, leather, and rock. This interior decorator besides refashions typical design elements of the Alpine chalet: [ †¦ ] screens armchairs and Ottomans with animate being hides.’ Besides being born and raised in Britain meant that Dobree was non from the Alps part ; nevertheless she channels her loyal British side by doing usage of tartan cloths. ‘Dobree blends the dignified pol ish of a British parlour with the appeal of a countrified mountain chalet.’ ( Rich, 2013, p.79 ) When it comes to color pallets both Mc Culloch ( n.d. , p.167 ) and Burt ( 2013 ) province, that when doing usage of impersonal tones in these chalet insides, alternatively of adding a touch of coloring material they maintain a steady coloring material strategy, in most instances impersonal and they adjust things by indulging different textured beds, and therefore soft colorss flow into each other. Another rule for them is to present forms alongside these textures. Many Alpine insides as farther mentioned by Mc Culloch ( n.d. , p.167 ) usage ‘ [ degree Fahrenheit ] abrics by Mulberry, Casamance and Moon [ †¦ ] layered with field coloured linens to give textural heat [ †¦ ] Given that you’ve got so many difficult surfaces, you truly necessitate the cloths to soften the place.’ Another of import factor, which makes today’s chalets comforting and inviting goes down to the lighting used. As stated by Burt ( 2013 ) , the visible radiation used ( instance in point a crystal pendant ) , adds a modern-day feel, without being excessively strong. Bedside lamps or any other lamps, add cozy pools of illuming where it is needed elsewhere. Besides electricity illuming a immense visible radiation beginning for these chalets is natural visible radiation. Most of today’s chalets are surrounded by Windowss, most of them being immense glass panels replacing opaque walls. This is down to the user being in harmoniousness with nature instead than being wholly excluded. This natural visible radiation beginning adds heat to the room, doing it experience more homely and delighting. Nowadays the traditional animate being horns over the hearth, are still being used nevertheless, they are given a intent. As Burt ( 2013 ) references in her article, in the place film she made usage of carnal caputs as a beginning of illuming. This kept in sync with the chalet traditions even though the remainder of the room was far from traditional. Another interior decorator that uses a similar scheme is Nicky Dobree, who is good known for her upscale mountain chalet redevelopments. As Rich ( 2013, p. 79 ) references, Dobree ‘creates pendants out of runing trophies’ . Chiefly built in 1941, Chesa Nova is found in the bosom of St. Moritz, Switzerland. In the class of these last few old ages, legion redevelopments and add-ons were made to this chalet. Family members have late altered the construction to do it more modern-day and to furthermore do them experience more at easiness. Certain traditional constructions were left untasted, which include the ceilings which were made of Swiss rock pine. This pine is besides known as the ‘Queen of the Alps’ because it is found in the highest clime conditions of the Alps. The aroma of the wood stated antecedently is said to hold healthy effects for people’s well- being ( Rich, 2013, p.127 ) . Coinciding with what Rus ( 2013 ) antecedently stated, Rich ( 2013, p.127 ) indicates, ‘During the undertaking, Stamm combined antique elements made of rock and wood with carnal pelts and felt upholstery materials’ . A figure of modern-day chalets preserve their natural traditional facet while presenting different manners to add something excess to give that belly laugh factor. As indicated by Rich ( 2013, p.118 ) Chesa Cresta in St. Moritz, Switzerland where one can happen traditional wood constructions, but a great trade of this chalet revolves around the Baroque manner, as Rich said herself ‘ The ornaments are rather Baroque: sophisticated velvets, flowered designs, old landscape pictures, and curtains having artistic embroidery.’ ( 2013, p.118 ) Both Turrentine ( 2010 ) and Rich ( 2013, p.142 ) have the same sentiment and point out that some chalets make usage of ‘White or red- painted walls form the ideal background for pictures from Russian daring motion and Graubunden old-timers. The trappingss reflect the clip in which the construction was built and include pieces from the Bauhaus, De Stijl, and the Wiener Werkstatte motions every bit good as a aggregation from Gerrit R ietvelt.’ ( Rich, 2013, p.142 ) ‘‘We didn’t want to make an exact transcript of an Arts and Crafts interior, ’’ says Botero, ‘‘but we were decidedly influenced by that style- its spirit of detailing, and particularly its vocabulary of wood.’’ ( Turrentine 2010 ) Epicurean chalets are clearly outstanding presents, Bibliography: Dawson, L. , 2014. History of the Huts.History of the Huts. [ ONLINE ] Available through: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 04 May 2014 ] . Lee, L. , Chalets are excessively epicurean – Telegraph. 2013.Chalets are excessively epicurean – Telegraph. [ ONLINE ] Available through: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 01 May 2014 ] . Mc Culloch, A.,2014. Summit Special. Homes and Interiors Scotland, Available through: hypertext transfer protocol: // % 26Interiors.pdf [ Accessed 04 May 2014 ] Ralph Kylloe, 2011.Countrified Home. Edition. Gibbs Smith. Rich, G. , 2012.Populating in Style Mountain Chalets ( English, German and Gallic Edition ). Mul Edition. teNeues. William S B Dana, 2012.Swiss Chalet Book: An Elegant Guide to Architecture and Design. 1 Edition. Skyhorse Publication.
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