Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Self Fulfilling Prophecy Pygmalion Effect Essay Example for Free
Self Fulfilling Prophecy Pygmalion Effect Essay The problem with productivity measurements – especially in measuring a company’s workforce efficiency, is that they do not take into account other factors relating to the way people work. This means that elements such as employee’s initiatives, their flexibility, teamwork and adaptability are not incorporated in the measures of input. As such, the calculation of productivity is not an absolute one. Also, the failure to incorporate the element of effectiveness in the measurement of productivity could produce a false assessment of the true performance of a company. It’s a fact that attitude is the main stumbling block that holds back employee’s productivity. The Self fulfilling Prophecy or Pygmalion Effect as a Management Concept. Conceptualized by Robert Merton, it is about phenomenon that occurs when â€Å"a false definition of the situation evokes a new behavior which makes the original false conception come through†. The whole theory is based on the theorem: †if men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences, This means that when one has a set expectation, he would behave in ways that suggest that his expectation would be fulfilled no matter what. The consequence of his behavior somehow fulfils his expectation. The ultimate function of a prophecy is not to tell the future, but to make it. It is important for managers to consider carefully their action and behavior as understanding and applying the Self fulfilling Prophecy will have a great impact on the performance of the employees. In working environment, the way manager behaves, his attitudes, beliefs towards his subordinates do have an impact on how they behave, managers who truly believe in them have the very same people performing better and contributing to the organization success. Instruction must be communicated clearly to employees so that no ambiguity(unclear or confuse) on what is expected of them. The four factors of self-fulfilling prophecy and its application are 1)Consistent Information (C I) Good performer who are well liked by their managers are often given more ideas, instruction and suggestion. As the day goes by, it help them perform better, have an edge over their colleagues whom the manager deem poor performers. The key is to be conscious of this â€Å"mind play†and to start creating positive expectations rather than negative expectations in managers and employees about the organization and themselves. 2)Expected performance (E P) The way managers communicate performance expectations to their subordinates will influence them to establish realistic levels of aspiration and higher performance goals. The learning point is, managers and subordinates must establish and set realistic goals and targets. 3)Positive Reinforcement (P R) Subordinates who are expected to perform well are normally rewarded more frequently and generously when they achieve their performance goals. On the other hand, those who are not expected to perform well tend to perform badly and are not reinforce. Interestingly, even if they perform well, they may not be rewarded because their managers felt threatened or irritated that their expectations are not proven. Hence, it is important for managers and supervisors to be aware of their prejudices and negative feelings of their subordinates. Conscious attempts must be made to eliminate such prejudices and discriminations. 4) Constructive Feedback (C F) Managers who communicate high performance expectations typically provide greater feedback. Feedback occurs more frequent and have specific suggestion for improvement. Especially in performance appraisal and review, the variables is the manager’s rating of the subordinates. It is based on the manager’s values, prejudices and feelings. Most employees will take the cues and alter their future behavior accordingly. As such, managers and supervisors must take due care in the way they give feedback to their subordinates. Their tone, body language, and attitudes do account for a successful feedback session. Conclusion: The above four factors which contain a manager’s expectation can be effective and productively manage if mangers are conscious and aware of their existence and the way they function. The learning point is that even if a subordinate is not a high performer, a manager can still help by being positive with his expectations. This way, the subordinate is at least given a fair opportunity to prove his self worth and capability.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Effect of Daycare on the Parent-Child Relationship Essay example --
The parent-child relationship is crucial for both parties. Daycare centers are believed to often interfere with this vital relationship. I have chosen to explore the effects of daycare on the parent-child relationship. I have done this, in part, because I see this relationship on a frequent basis due to my employment at a daycare center. This topic is anthropologically interesting because the primary care givers of children are now often professional centers rather than family. When in the past, the child rearing was done by the child’s parents or close family. This new dimension of childhood care adds an interesting element to familial bonds and their strength, or lack of. Professional daycare centers are also a very debated and researched topic. Throughout the research, positives and negatives have been found in the topic of daycare centers, in particular the parent-child relationship. Generally, the effects of daycare are trumped by the effects of parenting. Will this still be the case with daycare centers gaining ground by, beginning available in some places 24 hours? Historically, children have been cared for and raised by family, either parents or extended family. More recently because of growing economic and social pressure, both parents have been entering the work force. This puts the job of childcare onto extended family or professional caregivers. The increase in professional child caregivers has raised questions in child development. One of these questions is about the parent child relationship. The parent-child relationship is historically the most influential in child’s life. Not all parent-child relationships are strong nor positive, but they still remain the most influential in a child’s life. There are four... ...opment 66.2 (1995): 474. Web. Lewin, Tamar. "3 New Studies Assess Effects of Child Care." The New York Times. The New York Times, 01 Nov. 2005. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. Lundy, Brenda. "Paternal Socio-psychological Factors and Infant Attachment: The Mediating Role of Synchrony in Father–infant Interactions." Infant Behavior and Development 25.2 (2002): 221-36. Web. Magana, Lynette C., Judith A. Myers-Walls, and Dee Love. "Different Types of Parent-Child Relationships." PPP: Family-Child Relationships. Purdue University, 2006. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Peterson, Carole, and Richard Peterson. "Parentâ€â€Child Interaction and Daycare: Does Quality of Daycare Matter?" Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 7.1 (1986): 1-15. Web. Shpancer, N. "The Effects of Daycare: Persistent Questions, Elusive Answers." Early Childhood Research Quarterly 21.2 (2006): 227-37. Web.
Monday, January 13, 2020
How Computers Effect Our Daily Lives Essay
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Communication Communication is defined as a process. We determine and convey it meaning in an attempt to create shared understanding. This process requires a vast repertory of skills in listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, and evaluating. Use of these processes is developmental and transfers to all areas of life as home, school, community, work, and beyond. Union and support occur owing to communication. 1.2 The Importance of Communication Communication is easily overlooked, but it is necessary to carry out the thoughts and visions of an organization to the people .The importance of speech and words whether through a paper or a voice is a communication medium to convey directions. Without communication, there is no way to express thoughts, ideas and feelings. There are many ways to provide communication from the organization to the people of your community. Whether through a phone, fax, email, letter, website, you are able to communicate your organization to the world. Things can be expressed, ideas can be shared, and thoughts can be joined. The ability and the importance of communication become much more crucial when you are on a purpose or need to perform aim. The ability to effectively communicate is very important when it is usually underestimated and overlooked. Men and women have different communication forms in many places such as at home, at work and in social life. 2. COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN AT HOME Women always are under the responsibility at home. They incline chores in the family. Men only are to have a say on important issues. When they decide about the subject, women usually express their opinions. Men decide to determine with their attitudes. A writer says in her article â€Å" The relation between the sexes occurs around a single concept: superiority of man; women are a lower position in value, reputation and power issues.†( FiÅŸek 5 ) In fact, we can divide into two section at this point as the behaviors of men and the behaviors of women. 2.1 The Behaviors of Men As we said above, when men decide about one subject, they see themselves superior than women. The study was done about it in the U.S.A by Sandra Lipsitz Bem. According to him, â€Å" Men are characters putting themselves out, independent, determined and risk-taking.†Characteristic of men’s sexual role are more pronounced than women in our society. It is an obvious situation that men are always at the front and on stage. If we think these on men, results aren’t surprising. This is an expected finding in a culture where male dominance. 2.2 The Behaviors of Women Women have great responsibilities in the home. Care of children, chores, attitude toward her husband are very important for them. If a woman is a female employee, it is also important. Women become more sensitive and soft communicating with men. They try to talk about the events. This situation is relevant training of girls and boys. â€Å" The researches which done in our society on educational and development differences between the sexes shows that men were aggressive and competitive. They are trained in establishing power and domination. It shows that women are raised for interpersonal relationship.†( FiÅŸek 8 ) Women create feelings of closeness by conversing with their friends. But men don’t use this way in communication, so they can’t figure out why their women are continually talk, talk, talking. Eventually, many men just tune their women out. The ubiquitous image of the housewife at the breakfast table talking to her husband who has his head buried in the newspaper comes to mind. Tannen observed that, â€Å" For males, conversation is the way you negotiate your status in the group and keep people from pushing you around; you use talk to preserve your independence for boys, activities, doing things together, are central. Just sitting and talking is not an essential part of friendship. They’re friends with the boys they do things with.†As a result, women should inhibit men’s repression to gain themselves strenght. They should exhibit required behaviors to be of equal status. In next section, we will deal with communication between men and women at work. 3.COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN AT WORK Communication is very important for gender in the business life. Problems may arise between sexes at various time.Men and women use strategies in with each other that the opposite sex may view negatively. Often, misunderstandings can be avoided when co-workers look beyond personalities and consider the different ways men and women communicate.Women are more verbally skilled than men. Men’s goals in using tend to be about getting things done whereas women’s tend to be about making connections to other people. Men talk to more things and fact whereas women walk more about people relationship and feeling. Journalist Katja Ridderbusch says in an article: â€Å" The problem between men and woman in the workplace is not the fact that they play by a different set of rules†, Connie Glaser points out(she is America’s guru of gender talk). â€Å"The problem is that they don’t know these rules.†She considers herself a translator, a mediator between the male and the female culture. A supporter of women in the business world. But she is not a feminist, nor does she hate men, quite the opposite. With her husband Tom, who serves as the president to the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce in Atlanta, she has two sons, 22 and 24 years old. In a household of three men, she says, â€Å"you quickly learn to become very thick skinned.†As in all field, there are also several problems at work. The sexes should do whatever is necessary to solve them. We can see more detailed this issue with two sub-title as success of men and the value given women in business life by society. 3.1 The Success of Man Business life has become a universe to men until recent years. According to them, it is built on male values and behaviors. Even writer Leyla Navaro talks about that an attitude emerged under the name of ‘professional behavior’ in her book. Furthermore, it is an enviable behavior’s definition. of authority. Men criticise business interest to pass in human relationship. It includes comportments as supress feeling, impersonality, decide quickly, compete use of authority. Business conducts have been to expected of women because men think in this way.Research results that measure the relationship between high intelligence and success indicates that a high propotion of men. Men don’t want to query their achievements in competition with women. There are also times they are unlucky. †Male job applicants have to prove that they possess the necessary skills, whereas women are just assumed to possess them. In today’s increasingly service-based economy, this may not be good news for men†. (â€Å" Do men and women the same language†) As shown in this article, although women are more comfortable communicating, unfortunately men don’t have this feature. 3.2 The Value Given Women in Business Life by Society Although men and women work under the same conditions, the society doesn’t value women enough. A study which done on the success resulted different in women. Two thirds of those continue their lives as housewife. The others work in small position at workplace. According to Alice Rose: â€Å" The society expect achievements appropriate to their abilities of men. Whereas women do business under the talent and skills. We don’t wink at this situation and we will support them at the same time.†A successful women wants to move away both men and other women. Due to competition and jealously, women want to leave alone her. According to them, this is the most effective way of punishing a woman. Women are continious communication in society. Pushing out events affects profoundly them. Internal concerns such as unloved, exclusion lead to failure for women in business life and reduce their potential powers. They strive to show loyalty and retation to workplace. They show de pendent and helpless behaviors in the face of authority figures. This situation exposes that how much value given to women in society. If women defend their rights, they can gain their freedom at work.In last section,we will look at communication between men and women in social life.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Obey and Defy Shakespeare’s Sonnet as a Lesson About Time
William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore†is an English sonnet about the nature of time, in which Shakespeare both follows and deviates from the traditional sonnet form. Reading the poem with this in mind gives the poem an additional dimension, and leads the reader to consider how this technique impacts the poem’s meaning. Shakespeare has modeled the poem’s external structure to coincide with his view that time is a destructive force whose wrath is unavoidable, and this is clear upon examining his use of a consistent rhyme scheme, his employment of trochees and spondees, and his adherence to the structure of three quatrains and a couplet. This poem follows the traditional rhyme scheme of†¦show more content†¦Just like the couplet has contradicted the body of the poem, due to the fact that it is two lines, instead of four, and contains a diverse rhyme scheme, Shakespeare’s final statement, that he is hop eful his poem will survive time’s wrath, seems to challenge all that he has already said. This is reinforced by how the poem’s final line also contradicts the meter that has dominated the rest of the poem; the last line is the sole line that is composed of nine syllables, instead of ten or eleven. This change in pace seems to echo Shakespeare’s contradiction; just as the nine syllable line has opposed the others, Shakespeare has gone from claiming time is invincible to suggesting he can defy it. As is evident upon examining Shakespeare’s use of a consistent rhyme scheme, his variation from iambic pentameter, and his use of three quatrains and a reversing couplet, Shakespeare has written â€Å"Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore†so that the external structure supports his opinions about time, even as they change. What this ultimately reveals is that just as Shakespeare has both followed the traditional form of an English sonnet and deviated from it, he has also both stayed true to and strayed from his original opinion on time. Therefore, the external structure of the poem supports his perspective in both specific instances, as illustrated earlier, and in the big picture.Show MoreRelatedThe Controversial Ending of King Lear by William Shakespeare Essays1580 Words  | 7 Pagesonly try to express. Foakes thinks that Hamlet now is less suited for the twentieth century than Lear, insofar as Lear’s existential content is what matters, so now the question becomes why would Cordelia want to live in Lear’s world? The play is about protesting a world gone mad. The situation is further intensified by the Tate emendation that playgoers witnessed for over a century. Arguing from the perspective of post-restoration and neo-classical taste that literature must teach virtue, Tate
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